Candy Clark 

Pet Sanctuary

The Need

Animals are not safe in homes with domestic violence. Abusive partners will threaten, harm, and even kill pets to try to intimidate or control the other person. Families fleeing domestic violence are afraid to leave their beloved pets behind in dangerous homes. Many people may choose to stay if they can't bring their pets with them. 
  • Between 71% and 83% of women entering domestic violence, shelters reported that their partners also abused or killed the family pet (The Humane Society). 
  • 89% of survivors with pets say their abusers threatened, hurt, or killed their pets to prevent them from leaving OR to force them to return (Urban Resource Institute PALS Report).
  • 97% of callers to the National Domestic Violence Hotline said that keeping their pets with them is an important factor (The Humane Society).
Families need a safe place where all of their family members can find refuge, including their beloved pets. The Candy Clark Pet Sanctuary keeps families with their pets, prevents animal abuse, and saves lives. 


Honoring Candy Clark

Candy Clark was a local business owner, community advocate, and served Washington County as a Justice of the Peace for 6 years.

She was the first Executive Director of the Humane Society of the Ozarks. Her advocacy for animals continued throughout her life, with her work to make animal cruelty a felony in Arkansas and her support for building the Washington County Animal Shelter when she was a Justice of the Peace. She went on the establish the Animal League of Washington County. 

During her lifetime, Candy Clark was passionate about helping survivors of domestic violence leave abuse safely with their pets. 

While Candy passed away in 2020, her memory and her legacy will continue in a critical community resource, the Candy Clark Pet Sanctuary at Peace at Home Family Shelter.

"Always trust your dog's opinion of people. 

Dogs are the best judges of character." 

- Candy Clark 

Hear From Survivors: 

"I knew I could not leave my dog with him because he had hurt her before, and I was afraid if I left him alone she would not survive with him. I strongly considered returning to my abuser because I felt hopeless."

"While we were temporarily separated from our dog, my daughter had nightmares that our dog was gone and was constantly asking for him. I felt guilty that we couldn't keep our dog with us while we were fleeing from my husband."

"Before entering shelter, I thought to myself that if I had to be separated from my cat permanently, I would have to continue putting my life in danger and living in a risky environment. There was no way I would give up my boy."

The Impact



The Candy Clark Pet Sanctuary includes space for up to 7 dogs and up to 6 cats to safely reside at one time. This means that a total of 13 or more family pets can reside safely at a time. Pets staying in the sanctuary are provided with food, toys, veterinary care, and owners are provided with financial support to help them cover pet-related costs. The sanctuary building includes isolation space, indoor and outdoor play spaces for families and pets, a grooming station, and a veterinary exam room. This building is a short walk away from the main shelter building, making it possible for families to see and care for their pets every day.

Hear about the need from Peace at Home Advocates:

"A woman was fleeing abuse and living out of her car with 2 cats. She declined to stay in shelter because the cats could not come with her"

Peace at Home Advocate

"Pets are family members. For survivors of domestic violence to be able to leave abusers, they need ALL members of their family in a safe environment"

Peace at Home Advocate

Naming Opportunities


Veterinary Care Room
Canine Kennel and Dog Run (4 of 7 available)
Feline Kennel (1 of 3 available)

Donor Wall: Picture with plaque (large) 

Donor Wall: Name Plaque 

Donation Level


Make a gift today and support the Candy Clark Pet Sanctuary, a life-saving resource for families fleeing abuse with the pets they love. Pledge payments can be set up for gifts over $1,000 to the campaign. 



Please email Eva Terry at if you would like more information about making a gift at or 479.444.8310



How To Support:

Give the gift of peace to ALL members of the family by clicking the link below and selecting "Candy Clark Pet Sanctuary" when prompted on how your donation should be used.